“What is Happiness And Love? Chad of insane speech?!
One minute on the way,
Where with the kiss of a greedy meeting,
An inaudible “forgive me” Merged…” Innokenty Annensky
Happiness is the state of the highest satisfaction with the conditions of one’s existence. This definition refers to a long-term state of happiness.
Persistent, long-term happiness is a state of peace, carelessness, confidence in yourself and the world around you, in the future, in harmony with yourself, your environment and the world.
Happiness is long-term and persistent or sudden, VictoriaHearts.com like a bright flash. The attribute of happiness is always a smile.
Both conditions are characterized by the levels of serotonin (“the hormone of happiness and good mood”) and dopamine (this hormone is produced during processes when a person receives pleasure) in the brain.
A sudden state of happiness is like a bright flash of light from within, a surge of emotions and feelings, and can also be expressed in a state of bliss and quiet joy.
They say that a person “shines with happiness”: Happiness And Love
- in a state of falling in love and feeling wings behind your back, when you look at the world with different eyes, enthusiastic and accepting it;
- in harmony and unity with nature, when the spirit is breathtaking from the contemplation of beauty;
- the smile of a stranger that bestows the light of hope and love;
- something new that takes you out of the state of everyday life and the ordinary and opens the door to another world – new knowledge, sensations, a new understanding of yourself and the discovery of your capabilities.
The state of happiness can also come as a signal from our senses. An impulse of happiness when you enjoy your favorite face Eharmoney or the colors of autumn… An unusually breathtaking, spicy aroma of your favorite dish or a note of Perfume that evokes the image of a loved one… Strawberry taste… An Amazing combination of sounds that makes the heart tremble. ..
Happiness is very individual.
Everyone has their own understanding and criteria of happiness, its scope and subtlety of perception. One person is tuned to happiness and any small event in life will inspire him and promise joy. For example, a found poem that resonates in the soul, in which feelings are clearly reflected and the state of a person is conveyed. Delight from the beauty of words and the transfer of feelings can also be attributed to a moment of happiness. Carl Gustav Jung, in defining the 5 components of happiness, called it the ability to enjoy life, simple things, the ability to understand and feel music, poetry, admire works of art, be open to nature and its beauty, enjoy the emotions of communicating EliteSingles.com review with animals, hear and create a fairy tale of your life.
Happiness is a personal feeling that only comes from within. “I carry everything with me.” “Crossing the ocean, you change the earth, but not the soul.” Happiness is in yourself, in your attitude to the world, to people, in your vision of life.
1.Try to shape your day and your mood in it – Happiness And Love
Morning shapes your day. Morning is the time of creation and creation of your new day. Set-up time for the day. Time to plan wonderful moments, as well as everyday activities, with a focus on the joy of living this day. Try to fill your morning with good bright thoughts, kindness and love, be in tune with the beauty of the world, enjoy everyday chores, give thanks for the joy of awakening and the joy of anticipating a new day in your life.
2.Enjoy what you are currently doing
Feel the joy of creation. Even homework can be done with joy and pleasure. We do many things automatically, not noticing the beauty of the world, the smiles of people, being in a dream of our thoughts and thoughts. The breathing technique will allow you to turn on awareness. Pay attention to your breath. Breathe in and receive the love of the world, breathe out and send your love to the world. These exercises can be done on the way to work, and in the subway, everywhere. This technique helps to achieve a state of peace. And this is the basis for feeling happy moments.
3.Love your body and give it physical activity – sports, exercise, walk
Physical activity increases the level of “happiness hormones”. The body will thank you.
4.Find the good in every life situation – Happiness And Love
You feel like you’ve been treated unfairly. Remember, every coin has two sides. You need to accept the situation, understand it, find the pluses that it carries in itself and let it go. Continue with a smile to meet the new day and new events. The main thing is to learn to change your outlook on any life situation and find a positive meaning in it.
5.Feel happiness in every day of your life – Happiness And Love
Look around carefully and you will see the little joys that surround you – the smile of a child, the aroma of morning coffee, the beautiful elegant clothes that you have prepared for leaving the house, your favorite perfumes … In the rush of workdays or everyday affairs, we stop noticing them, stop appreciating. And these little joys of being create a symphony of well-being and happiness.
6.Think only good things about yourself, praise yourself every day, rejoice in your successes
Concentrate on your virtues, on those feelings that inspire you. Make a list of 10 values (feelings) that are important to you in the appropriate order. For example, success, freedom, intimacy, strength, peace, trials, disobedience… What is the leading feeling? Why is it important? For example, your leading feeling is peace, and your man has trials. Do you believe that you can come to the same decisions? That you will have the same friends and goals? What about free time?! When you know your values, you can more confidently advance your position and stay true to yourself. Study yourself. This is the most interesting knowledge in the world. Happiness, as the satisfaction of one’s own values, which must first be determined.
7.Strive for new achievements
Set yourself goals and go to the heights. Believe in your success and be successful. Just do not overestimate the bar and do not put the goal above everything else, above the joy of life.
8.When interacting with people, focus on their strengths.
This is just the opposite of what we have been doing all our lives – to see the flaws and criticize! Remember, when you point your finger at someone, one finger is pointing at the target and the other three are pointing at you…
9.Forgive yourself and others – Happiness And Love
Don’t judge yourself for mistakes and others too. Aggression and negativity directed at oneself or others exacerbate problems and color life by no means in bright colors. The process of forgiveness itself carries the aspect of understanding.
10.Do you want to be happy?! Make your environment happy – Happiness And Love
If you want to be loved, give love without expecting anything in return and you will get what you want. Becoming happy is easy – love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, love others and let them be themselves, try to make them happy.
11.Believe in yourself, in your strength, in your goals and dreams
Free yourself from dependence on the opinions of others. To share happiness with someone you need to become happy yourself.
12.Get rid of jealousy – Happiness And Love
This is an acknowledgment of one’s own inferiority.
13.Create your own luck
Focus your attention on what you want to receive from life, as what you give your attention (energy) develops. Pay attention to the smallest moments of luck, rejoice in them. Reinforce your state of good fortune.
14.Be grateful for everything you have and will have
Send love and gratitude to the world. Start creating your own happiness now!